Our Vision: By the time children leave Laurel Lane, they will be familiar with at least 153 high quality texts, and develop a life-long love for reading. These are a mixture of picture books and longer novels in Key Stage 2. They are the chosen books for story time at the end of each day.
To see the comprehensive list, please click on the document link at the bottom of this page.
At Laurel Lane we believe that reading is the gateway to learning. We know that children need to be able to read well in order to fully access the wider curriculum, and to be able to experience life in all its fullness. As we are developing a talking school approach, children are given plenty of opportunities to discuss the text that they are reading: this is to develop the vocabulary and understanding of the subtle differences in the way that a sentence is constructed. We believe that developing oracy is key to the success of all children.
Reading is taught from Nursery to Year 6 in many different ways. From Nursery to Year 2, children are taught Phonics through the Read, Write Inc. strategy. This enables children to be confident, fluent readers by the time they leave Year 2. In addition to this, children in Year 3-6 participate in a two week program of Book Talk, which contains five Book Talk lessons, three Demonstration Comprehension lessons and two Independent Comprehension lessons. Every class also has the opportunity to read a class text, and listen to their teacher read stories. The school library is decorated to promote discussion and is used to share stories.
Reading is also embedded across the curriculum and children have opportunities to read throughout each day. Peer reading is used during Book Talk, where chidlren are given the opportunity to discuss their reading in a small group. Story time across the school helps children to develop a love of reading, and celebrate their favourite stories, poems and nursery rhymes together.
All classes have an accessible class library, where the children are free to peruse and view different books.
Children are encouraged to read at home as often as possible, either independently or with an adult. Home reading books and reading records are provided, and in KS1 and Early Years children are given fully decodable books which contain the sounds they have already learned, as well as an exciting story that will develop their love of reading. At Laurel Lane we use the Big Cat reading scheme, as we believe that its broad and rich collection of books will enable children to develop their skills across many genres and topics, as well as maintaining a love of reading.
We think that it is important to support parents with home reading. Each week, we encourage parents to read with their children, at least four times, celebrating and rewarding children who do.