
Offers of Reception places for September 2021

Reception Places - September 2021

Starting School September 2021

Offers of school places for Reception starting September 2021 will be made by London Borough of Hillingdon School Admissions Team from 5pm on Friday 16th April 2021.

To view your offer, please log into the account you created to make the application.

If you are unhappy with the school you have been offered and need advice, or have any questions regarding the offer, please email the Admissions Officer, Jo Harris, at The schools are closed for Easter until 8:30am on Monday 19th April and the Admissions office will reopen on Wednesday 21st April 2021.

If you are enquiring about waiting lists, this information will not be available immediately. If the school your child has been offered was not your first preference, you will automatically be placed on the waiting list of any school which was a higher preference.

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