School Vision: Excellence in learning – Investment in Oracy – Strength in Inclusivity
Our Writing Strategy
We believe that the love of writing and the ability to write well in a range of genres (fiction, non-fiction and poetry) is underpinned by highly engaging and supportive talk, in pairs and groups and as part of wider class discussions and debates. There is always a key focus on rich vocabulary and vocabulary choices which caters well for our multilingual cohort.
Furthermore, we believe that writing should, in the first instance, be a task shared by children and teachers and modelled effectively using key features of particular genres, using aspirational vocabulary and grammatical features.
Finally, we believe that ‘fixing’ and editing is the ‘icing on the cake’ before a piece of written work is complete and that this requires purposeful feedback for improvement that children can act upon.
What is our strategy?
Our approach is simple and clear:
Talk – model and share – write – check and improve
Please see the document below for more information on this: